If you are an outdoor-loving person, then camping is undoubtedly among the best ways to make the best of free time. While family and friends can be tremendous companions for camping trips, there may be no better partner for an outdoor journey than a cuddly and courageous canine.
For such situations, you may desire the best tent for camping with dogs, and you are in luck because we are about to dive into the best products available on the market. Read on as we help you choose the perfect option for yourself and your dog so you all can enjoy your camping time.
Best Tents for Camping With Dogs
Dog-friendly camping tents have amassed a big market, so all the various options can get a little challenging to navigate. We bring you some of our top picks to consider for your next camping trip with your pet.
5. Coleman Red Canyon Tent
The eight-person Coleman Red Canyon Tent is a huge family tent that would be excellent if you want to take your canine friend along, too. It comes with room separators that allow you to split the tent into three diverse rooms, giving you privacy options. The tent’s shock-corded poles facilitate a hassle-free setup.
Color-labeled poles come attached, enabling you to pitch the tent in no time. If you are in a hurry or do not prefer to sweat it out much, there is an instant option. It will let you pitch the tent in only a minute; all you need to do is unfold the tent, extend it, and then secure it.
- Ideal for claustrophobic people
- Amazing ventilation
- Not for the cold season
Weatherproof Genius: The Red Canyon has a unique WeatherTec characteristic that will keep you dry at all times. It has reversed seams that insulate the water from seeping inside through the needle holes. Moreover, it is incredibly resistant against the wind with its wind responsive layering and poles. It is made with highly durable weather-resistant material that gives all-out protection against all kinds of weather circumstances. The Red Canyon has a waterproof floor owing to its welding stimulated technology, and it eradicates needle holes.
4. Wenzel Klondike Tent
The eight-person Wenzel Klondike Tent is roomy enough for you to go camping with your four-legged pal. If you have a large or very energetic dog who craves ample space, then this tent is a definite blessing for you. It has a 98-square-foot space where five folks can sleep very comfortably. Also, an extra 60-square-foot area can keep three more people. The smaller room contains a zip-up wall, which would be an excellent spot for your dog to spend the day to get adequate air and light.
It is made with firm and reliable weather armor polyester fabric with a polyurethane water coating to provide complete protection.
- Superior water repellency
- Premium quality material
- Difficult setup
Mesh Layout: The most extraordinary part about this tent is its two mesh windows and a mesh top, which will impede the dog from getting tired as temperature rises. Besides, the mesh windows and roof stave off bugs and mosquitos, and the front mesh lets the wind in, maintaining the tent cozy and relaxed. You can use the tent’s screen room as a sunroom or a picnic area to make the most out of your camping trip.
3. Gazelle Pop-Up Portable Tent
Whether you prefer hunting with your pals or going camping with your canine fellow, the Gazelle Pop-Up Portable Tent can easily fit a few people and your pet. It has a robust and durable built that can hold in any rigorous outdoor condition. It is effortless to carry around during outdoor gatherings as it is lightweight.
Owing to its state-of-the-art framework, this tent arrives fully assembled with instant pop-up. It has strong fiberglass poles and all-metal cores that establish a durable structure to withstand extreme weather conditions. It also has durable YKK zippers that work flawlessly. You do not have to fuss over broken zippers anymore.
- Amazing airflow
- Removable floor
- Pricy
Rugged and Airy Design: The tent has a polyester covering that gives durability against storm and cold conditions. It has a rugged polyester floor fixed firmly by a band of hook and loop tape enclosed by the tent’s interior. You can also shake off dirt and sand promptly by clearing it from the hook. The Gazelle comes with a waterproof rainfly with locked seams, and you can leave it off in warm nights to get a stellar view of the sky.
2. Kelty Salida Camping Tent
With its distinct features and robust components, the Kelty Salida Tent will enrich your camping trip tenfold. The tent is somewhat easy to set up even if you are a beginner; it comes with backpack-friendly folding poles, loops, color-labeled loops, and fly extensions. You can easily snap it into place, and the zippers zip effortlessly without any barriers.
It has thin but reliable polyester walls and a mesh top to give a clear bug-free sky view. It has a prolonged sloped ceiling and is made with super durable 68D polyester; the floor is fashioned with strong 68D nylon that enables this tent to last for seasons.
- Inner pockets
- Weather-resistant
- Lack of window
Dog Door and Den: The tent also has its own Kelty clips and a quick entry D door that will let your dog swiftly get in and out of the tent. It ensures maximum features to cater to your dog’s needs. The Kelty Salida has a vestibule area with an overall area of ten square feet, which can accommodate four people easily.
1. ALPS Mountaineering Lynx Tent
ALPS has been crafting high-quality products for decades to make camping more satisfying and hassle-free. If you are done carrying around an enormous tent and wish for something light, then the ALPS Mountaineering Lynx will be your ultimate pick. This tent will be your perfect partner if you want to take some time away from the tiring routine with your furry fellow.
Setting up this two-pole layout is super easy since the Lynx series of ALPS features freestanding; you can pitch this thing in no time. The ALPS Mountaineering Lynx is rendered with mega durable 75D grade polyester that offers protection even in extreme weather. Furthermore, its poly taffeta floor has a 2000mm layering to keep you dry if you are camping during the rainy days.
- Large zipper
- Dog play area
- Not for big dogs
Ventilation Wonder: If there is one thing this tent does well, it can give ventilation and airflow like no other. Half of Lynx’s wall has a mesh wall that offers exceptional airflow and fantastic ventilation. The tent also features two doors for extra ventilation if required. There are so many options available to ensure you and your camping friend get all the fresh and crisp air.
Buying Guide
Dogs make every journey better, and taking your dear pet on the camping trip would amplify the trip’s joy. To relish in every bit of the journey, there are some things to consider before buying a tent.
One of the most crucial factors that you need to consider at the start is the size of the tent. It will be a complete disaster if you grab a two-person tent to go camping with a bigger dog. If you have numerous dogs, then go for a big tent with an extra vestibule area where they can have some playtime together.
Dog’s Breed
Your dog’s breed plays a significant part in making the perfect tent choice. Small dogs will fit in any tent suitable for humans, but medium-sized dogs want a certain amount of space. For instance, dogs with a thick coat will require a substantial ventilation capacity if you are camping during summer. Similarly, Greyhound dogs tend to fear thunder; therefore, it would not be the best idea to bring along your Greyhound during rainy days.
Choose by Season
Weather is another essential aspect in choosing the perfect tent. It would help if you went with a tent by the season you are scheduling your trip. While many tents come weatherproofed, some focus more on colder seasons and some on warmer.
Assembling Time
The time estimated to assemble the tent varies with the size and your expertise level in the field. If you are a beginner who has just begun camping, it is customary to need more time than usual to get the tent right. Tents typically come hassle-free and do not require much setup time, but it relies on your level of efficiency.
What are some essentials to carry along while camping with a dog?
You must carry some necessary things: a long dog leash, short walking leash, bug spray, fresh water, dog bed and blanket, dog’s towel, and a separate food bowl.
Should I keep my dog closer while sleeping during camping?
You do not necessarily have to sleep alongside your dog; in fact, it is better to give your dog its own sleeping space as this will simulate its normal sleeping situation and keep the dog calm and peaceful.
Can I leave my dog in a tent?
Remember that dogs can get agitated and effortlessly claw their way out of a tent, so locking them inside could be a terrible idea if they decide they want out. Your tent is not an appropriate place to keep your dog when you are away from camp, and never leave it unattended.
Does my dog need a sleeping bag?
A sleeping bag for your dog will keep it comfortable and warm. Whether your dog has its tent or sleeps in yours, an appropriate sleeping bag can let it sleep well for a new day tomorrow.
How to protect dogs from wildlife while camping?
Make sure your dog’s leash is on at all times during your camping journey. Not only is leashing your dog part of the law at many campgrounds, but it also safeguards them from wandering into dangerous territory. Though you need to leash your dog, do not ever leave it tied up in some spot and walk away. A dog in such a situation is at a serious threat of being ambushed by a wild animal.
Camping may be fun, but it is even better when you bring your canine pal along for the adventure. Just make sure to prepare well for the trip and try to foresee any needs your dog might have. Chances are, you and your furry companion will have a wonderful time and look forward to the next opportunity you can have to get out in the wilderness. Go through the buying guide and opt for the product that best suits you and your dog.