Everyone loves a good camping trip with the family. With so many tensions in this materialistic world, it is important to have a family get together on some nice camping trip close to nature. Away from the troubles of this world.
Camping becomes more rejuvenating with the appropriate instruments of a tent. It can also become disastrous if you don’t have proper camping gear. You should always select a tent that is an all-rounder. Here are some latest designs of best tents with screened porch. It is just like the porch and sunroom of your house, this tent will make you feel at home.
The screened porch is to separate the sleeping room from the relaxation area. The relaxation area makes you feel like you are out of the room but still protects you from outer insects, mosquitoes, etc. through the net. It will provide clear fresh air and add more fun to your trip. The tents with a screened porch will provide you a good quality even if there are lots of inserts on the campground.
Screened porch tents have many benefits, you can store your extra items there and even cook food there. It can protect you from insects while providing you a cool breeze. When you are camping with family you will need more protection because of children, we provide you screened porch tents with full segregation against the wild.
The below given top 10 best-screened porch tents are all-rounder, provide you comfort and make your trip memorable.
Top 10 Best Screened Porch Tents
10. Wenzel Klondike Tent
Camping can be stressful sometimes, especially when you are away from your home. But now don’t worry because the Wenzel screened porch tent has the ability to make you feel at home. You feel more relaxed when you have more space in your tent, Wenzel has vast space more than it looks.
It is an 8-person tent with 6ft height and headroom which can increase the height up to 16ft. a large family can easily accommodate in it the main room is of 60ft, which has a zip and it separates the room from the lobby called porch where you enter or exit the tent. The Wenzel tent can protect you from insects and works as a relaxation room providing you fresh air. It contains mesh windows and a roof which can provide you great ventilation.
- It is weather-sealed with polyurethane coating
- The frame is strongly built and it can withstand windy conditions
- Has ventilation system
- Both areas can be covered during rain
- If you close the porch area during rain the room becomes hot and you may trouble in breathing
Mesh vent
The Wenzel has a very fascinating feature of having a mesh vent. It can easily escape out all the hot air from the tent. The mesh vent can be left open even during storms to pass the air.
Storage room: In the tent, you will find some pockets swing along with the tent inside to put some important things such as mobiles, chargers, etc.
9. Coleman Steel Creek Fast Pitch Dome Tent with Screen Room
It’s time to enjoy an outdoor activity in total comfort with the Coleman steel creek tent. It is spacious and offers 2 queen-sized beds to adjust easily inside the tent. It contains illumining guy lines that help you to see the ropes at night so you won’t trip.
Coleman steel creek tent has a vast room inside with an extra feature of having a screened porch for relaxation and to avoid bugs. It also helps you to store your extra luggage. It has a fast pitch system; it means that you can set this efficient design within 10 minutes only. You can easily fit 6 people in it. It has weather tech technology that provides proper weather sealing. The frames are strongly built and the fiber used is poly guard fabric which can protect it from rain.
So to conclude Coleman steel creek tent does not accommodate 6 persons because it can adjust only 4 easily. If you think it is a 2 room tent then for your information the screened porch area is not comfortable to sleep in.
- Its height is 5 feet 8 inches and it is enough headroom. You don’t feel oppressive while entering the tent.
- It has an easy setup, it includes easy pole attachments and the ropes are illuminating that are visible at night.
- The frame is tough and no rainstorm can bend it. It is weather-resistant.
- The bottom of the screened room has some small openings which can let bugs enter the porch area.
- The space of the room is for 4 people only; it is not comfortable to sleep in a screened area.
E port
It provides electricity in the tent to use the electronics such as to charge your mobile or laptops and to listen to music.
Window awning
It includes a window awning that can let air into the tent without letting water penetrate.
Ventilation: The Coleman steel creek has a proper ventilation system; it has a mesh design that provides the circulation of air all around the tent. It has mesh windows and the ports also help in the flow of air and don’t make you feel hot or humid.
8. Coleman Cabin weather master Camping Tent
Enjoy your next camping trip with this spacious Coleman weather master tent. It is a 6-person tent with a weatherproof screened porch. With this screened porch you can enjoy the fresh air with your friends and family with protection against bugs. The screened porch can add to space, and you can use this space to sleep within fresh air, it has a weatherproof vestibule.
It has hinged doors, an E port, and a rainfly to make it segregated against rain. The fabric of the Coleman weather master tent is made of Polyguard fabric that is good in all seasons. It is easy to fix; within 20 minutes you can set your tent. It comes with a storage bag which makes it easy for backpackers.
Coleman weather master is good to buy as it is an all-rounder, it is spacious, provides protection against insects, weatherproof and comfortable. It provides a good value for money. They are low in cost but are reliable. It is a great camp for casual family trips.
- It provides a lot of space
- Mesh large windows and screened porch for ventilation in summer
- Durable frame
- Hinged doors that are easy to use
- Doesn’t work in winters as it becomes too cold
- It takes 20 minutes to set it up
Coleman weather master tent is so spacious that it can easily accommodate 6 persons, the screened porch adds to space. The campers need more space to sleep and to put their luggage. The screened feature also provides privacy in a single tent. It has a dimension of 11x 9 with a central height of 6.8 inches.
It includes a weather Tec system which can keep your tent dry with a waterproof floor. It includes a rainfly that covers the door and windows and prevents the water from coming in.
Mesh ceiling: It has a mesh ceiling and large windows on both sides of the tent for maximum ventilation. It offers great airflow during summer with the help of screened porch and meshed windows.
7. Coleman Evanston Dome Tent with Screen Room
This Coleman Evanston a 6-person tent has a very unique design, a dome with screened porch. It is very light in weight and affordable. It has a very attractive structure, the dome-shaped attached to the screened room. This is a very stable tent and smooth. It has a low height of 68 inches, so keep this in mind before buying a tent if you want to walk around in the tent.
The screened porch is good for ventilation and also good to get more close to nature. But keep it in mind that the porch area can get wet during rain and it includes some holes to drain water out from the porch area. So it offers you protection against bugs but not from rain.
The floor in the porch area is made to protect you from insects but in rain the whole area gets muddy. If there is no floor the tent would remain dry. Due to this, it is good to use for summer camping. The size of the room is 90 square feet and can accommodate 6-person easily. You can also use the porch area to sleep when the weather is clear, otherwise use it for your luggage.
- It is a free-standing tent
- It has two windows for ventilation in summer camping
- It includes awnings that can protect the walls of the tent
- Great in price
- Stable and pleasant tent
- This tent has a vast space at such a low price it is impossible to want this spacious tent
- Remarkable value for money
- Don’t have vestibules, to protect your luggage from rain you have to put them in the main room
- The poles are made of fiberglass which is not much durable
The Coleman Evanston dome tent has a proper cross-ventilation system as it has large windows and a mesh ceiling.
Large windows
The main sleeping room has two large mesh windows on either side. It protects the fly as well. Having two windows in a Dome-shaped tent and another on the door for airflow is a good feature.
There are 4 poles made of fiberglass, first two poles make the front dome shape and there is a cross pole that lifts the fly up. The fabric of the tent is made of polyester taffeta75D and it is waterproof. The floor is made of polyethylene and has a bathtub design.
Space: This dome-shaped screened porch tent has 90 square feet of space which can accommodate 6 persons easily. Its central height is 5.8 inches.
6. Coleman Elite Montana screened porch tent
It is impossible that someone will never miss the comfort of home while setting up a tent for camping. Well now don’t worry because this Coleman Elite Montana will make you feel at home even in the middle of the woods. When you set this tent it will look just like a house and has all the facilities. The divider called screened porch will provide you privacy like you are at your home.
This screened porch tent has the awesome feature of the detachable floor in the porch area. Now you can place it when you have insects around and replace it when it is raining. It’s better to have no floor on the porch during rain because it will become muddy.
This tent will provide you with an extra sleeping place as it can easily accommodate 8 persons. You can easily have stretched out three queen-sized beds in the tent. It also includes hanging pockets where you can put your important things like mobiles and chargers etc. it has an easy setup and when it’s time to go home you can pack it easily.
- This tent is portable, its weight is 25 pounds and is considered the lightest tent in the market. You can take it easily anywhere.
- Hinged doors which make it easy to get in and out
- Water-resistant
- Provides a great value for money
- Provides a large space for eight persons
- It includes an E port for electric supply
- It would be better if there are two doors
- Fiberglass poles are not durable
- There is no vent
This tent has a dimension of 16 ft. x 7 ft. eight persons can easily accommodate it. If there are 5 to 6 persons, they can put their whole luggage in that room and still have some space. 3 queen-size bags can be stretched out in this tent.
Fabric used
The poles are made of fiberglass; the fabric is polyester that has a weather Tec system. The tent is windproof and the frame won’t break easily. The fiber is water-resistant; the tent has seams that prevent water in the tent. The floor is made of polyethylene which is also waterproof.
LED light
It has the latest technology of having LED bulbs inside the tent. Now you don’t need to set your own power bulb in the tent. It provides 100 lumens light which creates a very nice environment.
Fast pitching
The setup of this Elite Montana is very easy and fast. You can set it up within 5 to 10 minutes. Please read the manual given in the box first before setting up your tent.
Hinge door: This Elite Montana has a hinged door that allows you an easy entry and exit. It will make you feel like your home doors. But it would be much better if there are two doors instead of one.
5. Core 11-person Family Cabin Tent with screened porch
Core Family Cabin Tent is the most luxurious and latest design in the market. It is a two-room tent with large space, the front room can work both as a porch and room. The rooms have windows all around so that you may feel at home.
The Core cabin tent is specially designed for large families. It can easily accommodate 11 adults, which means 2 to 3 families can adjust to this tent easily. The cabin size is 12 x 10 and the screen porch is 8 x 7 with 7 heights. This tent can easily fit in three queen-sized beds and still leave a lot of space. The front porch is separated from the other rooms, with a zip lock. You can unzip it and can see the outer view.
The screened porch has window panels that cover the tent. It has a rainfly which is removable when the weather is hot. It includes small pockets inside to put your small gears. This camp is a good option for the campers who are in groups. It’s better to stay under the same roof when you are camping with your friends and family. Almost 7 people can sleep in the main room and 4 can sleep in the porch area.
- It has an advanced ventilation system that will keep the tent cool during the summer season
- It is completely water-resistant, even the doors and windows are sealed properly
- Contains a large carry bag of polyester fiber with a zip, that can make it easy to carry
- The spacious tent can accommodate 2 to 3 families easily
- The separation between the rooms for privacy
- Good central height
- It is not an instant tent because no poles are attached already with the fabric
Advance venting system
It has a very fantastic system of cross-ventilation; on hot days it draws cool air into the tent from the ground. And the hot air escapes from the ceiling mesh.
Fabric material
The fabric used is 68D polyester, this fabric is waterproof and sealed heat thermally to keep the water out of the tent. There are seals around the windows and doors to stop rain from coming inside the tent.
E port
It includes an electrical access port from where you can enter an extension to power up your devices.
Withstand with storms
This tent is strongly built and can withstand heavy storms. Your tent will never rip to shred.
3-season tent: This is a 2 to 3 season tent, and much better to use in summer. This tent would not preserve warmth inside the tent. When you use it in summer you will feel cool inside the tent.
4. Ozark Trail 9 Instant Cabin Tent with Screen Room
Enjoy your next camping trip with the Ozark cabin tent. This tent has the unique feature of the screened porch on the front side tent. It is a livable and easy setup tent. As it is an instant cabin tent, the poles are pre-attached to the tent. As it is a cabin tent it has a huge height of 7 feet, having straight and steep walls.
This tent has an easy setup, just unfold the tent, stretch the legs out, and stretch until the desired length is reached. It’s one part the main room has an instant setup but the porch area is not instant you have to do a little work there. You have to attach one fiberglass pole and two steel poles with the front side and stake them properly. The main room takes only 2 minutes but you have to plan 5 to 10 minutes to adjust the whole tent.
The screened room is without panels so it is not completely protected from the rain. This portion has no floor and it is good because rain could not make the floor wet. If you put chairs in the porch area you don’t need to worry about what chair legs do to the floor.
- It can set up in just 2 minutes as the poles are pre-attached to the tent
- Spacious enough to accommodate 9 persons
- The large ceiling of 7 foot
- It has an electrical cord port
- For all the seasons
- Large mesh windows
- Proper cross ventilation system
- Build-in LED
- Without floor porch area
- The porch area is not rainproof
Good ventilation
It contains two vents, one for each room. It has large windows and ceiling mesh which can be open all the time for good ventilation
It has 2 rooms which can be separated by the door. The two rooms have 3 windows and if you want to see more space remove the separation between the two rooms. It can fit 2 queen-sized beds easily.
Material: The fiber is made of polyester which is waterproof and doesn’t let the rain enter the main room. Can’t say that the porch area is rain-free because the mesh doesn’t have panels. It includes built-in LED strips to light up the whole tent.
3. World Famous Sports Camping Tent with screened porch
This is the WFS (world-famous sports) 8-person tent with 2 rooms. This is a tall, pleasant, and free-standing tent, especially for summers. The camp is very famous for its design, it has straight and steep walls with marvelous height. Its height is really impressive about86 inches. You will surely feel like you are moving around in your house.
It has a rainfly that covers the ceiling and the windows to prevent rain from coming inside the tent. It has a good ventilation system as this tent has a total of 6 windows. The windows are double-layered and have zipper panels. You can consider it as a free-standing tent but because of its weight and size, you have to stake it properly in the ground for protection.
The two rooms have a divider between them, it’s not just a curtain but a proper door to separate both the rooms. It contains one large door for an exit that is present in the front room. There is a big mesh inside the front room and this will work as a screen porch. The porch is fully covered with panels and a rainfly.
- Polyethylene floor and taped seams protect from rain
- The material is a high class
- The height is impressive
- The large mesh can do perfect ventilation
- Luxurious tent
- Durable
- Bug-free
- Affordable
- Looks big but don’t have enough space
As you know that there is a lot of mesh, 6 mesh windows, and a big mesh ceiling, and a screen porch. You can keep them open if you want ventilation or you are camping in summer. It won’t preserve warmth inside the tent.
It includes 6 steel poles, 2 poles for the side roof, and 6 fiberglass roof poles. The fabric used is made of 1200mm waterproof polyester. The seams attached to the windows and doors are all taped. The floor is made of 1000mm waterproof polyethylene.
It is an eight-person tent having a storage space of 150 square feet which is actually 18.75 square feet. This looks big but doesn’t have much space so it’s better to lessen the number of people.
3 season tent
It is a 3 season tent, but it is not recommended to use it in cold weather because of the large ceiling. This is also not good for windy weather. It is better to use this tent in calm weather or in the summers.
Storage bag
After your camping, you can easily pack your tent in a bag and make it easy to transport it.
Durability: The material used in this tent is quite durable. Most of the people are concerned about the poles. The combination of shock and steel coated poles adds to its reliability.
2. Napier Family-Tents sportz SUV Tent
There are many tents with or without screened porch but this Napier screened porch tent has an awesome feature to get attached to your vehicle. Now you can attach your small vehicles with your tent and put all the luggage in the car while sleeping in the tent. Now you can enjoy sleeping on a road when you get tired of driving. So for long drives, it is a good shelter for you.
You must be thinking about why you should go for this tent when you have simple tents. Well, there are lots of benefits to this tent. First of all, it will increase your space, you can put all your clothes, food and other things in your vehicle and use the tent just to sleep. It will provide you convenience because you don’t have to take your luggage from your car to the tent.
It will protect you from the worst weather conditions, if the storm is worst you don’t need to run towards your car. Just pack the tent and enter your car. This tent is versatile as I can be attached to the trucks as well.
- Adjustable vehicle sleeves, easy and perfect fit and won’t allow bugs to get in
- It has a large screened porch to enjoy nature
- Large mesh windows provide ample ventilation
- Extra awning increases space and provides shade in summer
- Rainfly protects the tent
- High ceiling
- Durable and affordable
- Make vehicle second room for more space
- You find it difficult to set up when first used
- Rainfly an affect ventilation
- heavy
It has a 10/10 ground space with 7 headroom. The dimension of the screen room is 6’ 7 which provides you a marvelous outer view with bug protection.
It is a tent which can be attached to your vehicle, if you want to leave the campsite you can make it a simple tent without a car. It includes 6’ 6 awnings for extra space. The vehicle sleeve is adjustable to all SUVs and minivans.
The rainfly protects the tent from rain and the windows and doors are full seams with tape. The panels on the outer sides of the windows also provide protection against rain and storm.
Material use
The tent is made of 5 shock-corded fiberglass and 6 steel poles with 2 steel awnings. This combination makes it durable. The fabric is Polyester Taffeta and the floor is polyethylene.
Fastpitch: It can be set up within 15 minutes. The tent has an elastic vehicle sleeve that can be easily adjustable on the back of your SUV. The straps are tightly fit to protect you from bugs and rain. It is basically an easy and effortless setup.
1. ALPHA CAMP Family Camping Tent with Screen Room
This ALPHA camp is a nice choice having a large screen porch. This tent has 19 x 12-floor space and its height is 6.5 feet. The screened room provides great protection from insects and bugs etc. it will provide you a beautiful vision of the outside. It includes five mesh windows for cross ventilation and it will keep your tent cold during summer.
For your privacy, this large tent also includes side pockets in the tent to place your personal and important stuff that might be lost if you throw them in the tent. This tent includes a large porch area and sleeping area, has a good quality, it has an easy setup but besides all these good qualities this tent is not good in water resistance and the seams are also weak.
This tent is spacious enough to accommodate 10 to 12 people easily. If you are looking for a large tent with a screened room nothing is much better than this ALPHA camp.
- Large porch
- Pockets sewed inside
- Proper ventilation system
- Advanced material is used
- It will make you feel at home
- 1 year of warranty
- Heavy in weight
- Oversized
It is a 3-roomed tent which is separated with a tent divided and also has a screened porch. The inner rooms have sewed floors but the outer porch is wet and muddy during rain and you can use this place for cooking or you can place chairs here to sit and enjoy the outer weather.
It has a completely separated setup, both rooms have frames between them. The tent is freestanding but not the porch area. The rainfly covers the tent’s main room.
The inner room has a capacity of 144 square foot which is actually very small for 12 persons. The screened porch is in a really big area but not perfect to sleep in as it is not weather protected. It is recommended for use by families with 3 to 4 kids.
This tent is designed for calm weather conditions, it has many seams and windows so it is not good to use in stormy conditions. This is a tent made for summer camping as it has a good ventilation system but avoid using it in winters because you might feel cold because of the ceiling mesh.
Material: The poles are made with a combination of fiberglass and steel and it is important to have strong poles especially for the porch area. The fabric used is polyester which is waterproof. The floor fabric is polyethylene.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What do you mean by E-port in a screened porch tent?
An E-port is an electric cord supply to the tent. There is a hole at the bottom of the tent where you can pass an electric cord or extension through it to hear music or charge your cell phones or laptops so you won’t get bored during your trip.
2. How to keep your screened porch tent waterproof?
To make your tent remain waterproof please dry all the fabric of the tent. Dry the windows and seam on the windows. Refresh the coatings on the tent and allow all parts to dry.
3. What is a screen porch?
A screen porch is a shelter in a tent with a mesh large window that will provide you an outer view of nature with protection against bugs.
4. What are the best screen tents?
- Wenzel
- Coleman
- Elite Montana
5. How large should be the screen porch?
Whenever you go to buy a tent with a screened porch, always select a size larger than your accommodation. If you are 4 people then go for a 6 people’s tent. The reason is that you need extra space for your luggage. If you run out of space, you will remain uncomfortable.
6. How much time is required to set up the screened porch tent?
Screened tents are very large, they are not pop-up tents and require 2 persons to set them up. It takes 10 to 20 minutes to assemble it and if there are 2 people you will require only 5 minutes.
7. What should be the height of the screened porch tent?
If you are tall then you really need to consider the center height of the tent so you can stand in the tent easily. If the height is 7 feet then they really mean it and the sides are lower than 7 feet, maybe 6 ft.
All the screened porch tents described above are solid choices and it will take you less time to choose one for you. After reviewing many screened tents in the market we have come across a decision that Coleman’s 6-person tent is the best of all and is an all-rounder. Screened tents provide great value for money and are durable. I hope you are going to enjoy your next trip with this screened porch tent, as it will make you feel closer to nature.